I help you go from behind the scenes of your life, to be the leading star of your life.
Instead of learning techniques, goal setting tools or what you "should" be doing...I teach you how to transform you life from the inside out.
Once you master YOU, all those tools, techniques and steps begin to work naturally and automatically.
Everything begins with you!
It's All GOOD
Acceptance of everything as perfect is freedom. Stop Needing, Wanting, Insisting, and Controlling behaviors to "get" what you want. Acceptance can feel contrary to what you know about manifesting. Acceptance can feel confusing and even create doubt. This course describes what acceptance is, why it is inevitable that you will accept, and that nothing is wrong with accepting the way things are. Perfect.
When you accept all that you are, all that is, you are not simply saying words or going through some motions to get something. You recognize who and what you truly are and what is actually happening for you!
There are NO RULES or set times on when/how often to listen if you choose to listen.
This is a pre-recorded educational presentation audio ONLY. Your access to this course is unlimited and does not come with any coaching.
Length of audio approx 50 minutes.
3D & ME
Learn why and how you can stop reacting to your own reflection. This course covers the basic foundation of understanding what 3D is and includes suggestions on what you can begin implementing right away to take dominion over the seemingly impossible. Most people hear "3D" and are confused as to what it really is and begin to search for ways on how to cope with it, deal with it or avoid it. Doing such things will keep you trapped. This course is an audio recording ONLY so that you can hear it over and over to let it really sink in. You can use this while you fall asleep or during the day. There are NO RULES or set times on when/how often to listen if you choose to listen. Let the 3D off the hook for once and for all and free yourself!
This is a pre-recorded educational presentation audio ONLY. Your access to this course is unlimited and does not come with any coaching.
Length of audio approx 1 hour.
This course covers the basic foundation of understanding your imagination as reality. Most learn that imagination is a wishful thinking mechanism to avoid and get back to "reality". We all learned this wrong. Your imagination IS reality. But knowing about this is not enough. You must learn to use imagination. Understanding what imagination IS allows you to trust in this power instead of seeing it as a "nice idea".

Learn why and how you can stop reacting to your own reflection. This course covers the basic foundation of understanding what 3D is and includes suggestions on what you can begin implementing right away to take dominion over the seemingly impossible. Most people hear "3D" and are confused as to what it really is and begin to search for ways on how to cope with it, deal with it or avoid it. Doing such things will keep you trapped. This course is an audio recording ONLY so that you can hear it over and over to let it really sink in. You can use this while you fall asleep or during the day. There are NO RULES or set times on when/how often to listen if you choose to listen. Let the 3D off the hook for once and for all and free yourself!
This is a pre-recorded educational presentation audio ONLY. Your access to this course is unlimited and does not come with any coaching.
Length of audio approx 1 hour.

“Update for you I got rid of 3p by knowing who I am 😬😬😬🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊”

Learn why and how you can stop reacting to your own reflection. This course covers the basic foundation of understanding what 3D is and includes suggestions on what you can begin implementing right away to take dominion over the seemingly impossible. Most people hear "3D" and are confused as to what it really is and begin to search for ways on how to cope with it, deal with it or avoid it. Doing such things will keep you trapped. This course is an audio recording ONLY so that you can hear it over and over to let it really sink in. You can use this while you fall asleep or during the day. There are NO RULES or set times on when/how often to listen if you choose to listen. Let the 3D off the hook for once and for all and free yourself!
This is a pre-recorded educational presentation audio ONLY. Your access to this course is unlimited and does not come with any coaching.
Length of audio approx 1 hour.

“Friday I bought your 3D and me mp3. I listened to it once and I kept saying I'm greater than these thoughts. So I just want to say a huge thank you because I never thought I could get out of that cycle of being triggered and needing the 3d to validate me. I know it's just going to get better from here and that I'm the one who gets to choose, I'm no longer sitting around hoping a guy will choose me. I choose myself!!”

“Just wanted to say how much I enjoy the audio recording! You are an awesome teacher & your voice is so soothing! I’ve listened to it several times since I got it. You helped me realize how I was still looking at the 3D to give me something. How I can look at the 3D to help me, instead of being mean to me. It reminded me of how you said in a live one time how your desires are staring you in the face. If you were focused on your desire you would see evidence of it. Well, after your recording & me realizing what I’ve been doing - my desires have started staring me in the face lol. I’m seeing evidence of all my desires everywhere lol. Not only seeing them but hearing them too from all the people around me. I was one of those people who use to be afraid of my 3D - even though I know & have evidence of the law. But now I realize there’s nothing to fear. My inner eye which is God, can see everything - & because of that I’ve finally let go of needing anything. I constantly remind myself that I am my desires & there’s nothing between them. You were right about the resistance being lifted for all areas! As now I always return to my choice & remind myself there is no other choice but my own. Thanks so much! I manifested this pink rose flower bear from my vision board I made for fun earlier this year. I went to the store to get flowers for my friend’s birthday & there was my desire. The EXACT one I wanted, I started laughing so hard because I said in that email “my desire is staring me in the face.” ”